March 2025

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Bye bye February!

Very berry πŸ“ 

Night is stary! πŸ‘€t

Do or darey! 😜

Peach or peary? 🍐


Tariq is Larry 
Darrel & Darrel are fairies 

Give it up for Mr. Hairy
Go wild 😜 for his canary 🐧



The doctor didn't give him any tarballs for eyeballs....

Scotty got jipped!

Nobody passed out any tarballs to thank 400 people for listening to Trumpty Dumpty 


What WOOD you do? 

This is what you hopefully don't need to do ever, to the good people out there: 

I have much more work to do on this. To actually figure out what's said on the transcript , comparing it to the Affidavit, you really need two devices. 

Thank you for whatever attention you can give this. 

This is real life. You'll learn from it. 

And this is a cyber crime example they cause: 

YT ads suck!! 
 They interfere with my comments deliberately and more! 

I was commenting! 



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