
Showing posts from February, 2025

Sunrise CAT

 Link to this blog post: 🐈✴️🐈✴️🐈✴️ I was going to use SunriseCT but  the technocrats are messing with that title now.  Or should I say, meowww🐈 Ref Link:   TABLE OF CONTENTS    I have some intelligence to share. Now I forgot what it was ..      Because My brain is fried from working on this case which Russia should make a comedy of...  Tenant pays rent timely - landlord evicts for non-payment of rent...tenant proves rent was paid...judgy wudgy wasn't judgy, was she? Visit from cyber crime:  I'm making a sunrise Afghan. It's qui...

Hanna Montana

  This is a Tribute to all the Hannas but especially a few particular ones.. Link to this blog post: Next: Hanna  Shamloo πŸ’›πŸ€— PhD Geologist at CWUniv. πŸŒ… I'll be back! 

Get A Kick outta Nick

 Get a Kick outta Nick!  Link to this blog post:  Looks like he's plotting something 😁     He's plotting to teach!!  Mastermind Teacher!  Tis what he loves that determines how he loves - and it all stems from his home life πŸ’› πŸ€—  I have more Nicks to share.... Meantime, this episode includes lots of balls......πŸ˜ƒ I found more kickball yarn!  This Afghan is going to be massive!  Best tarballs I ever had!  Posted 2/21/2025 🧑🧑🧑🧑🧑🧑 I'm having cyber troubles. I was on the "Testing" tonight. Had just restarted my phone because I couldn't upload pictures/screenshots from Z.... Am changing passwords...They are really hammering me now, even deleted all my Samsung notes AND now my Samsung is even missing! I had to leave one time to get my kickball yarn order that was delivered to me. I changed my passw...

Caroling 🎡🎢

 Link to this blog post: 😁

GATTEE while you can!

 Link to this blogpost:  Website: Tweet this if you can!  Twitter is messing with my account so I can't tweet here. Yes, I know they use "X" as their name which is ridiculous and they frame themselves on their agenda!  Who was Barrack Obama 's real father? MALCOLM X Ann Dunham went to the UN while he was speaking there to copulate and give birth to help spread his sperm, like Jeffery Epstein was doing!  Obama has essentially become a secret cult leader, based on my observation. And their wordplay is almost comical!  You'll see more about this!  BTW, nobody died at Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting! Yet Barrack Obama swiped over a trillion dollars from the economy. Some on social media have claimed he stole much more - It was probably billions in donations he got from caring individuals! All over the world!  He is the opposite of what Martin Luther King was!!   The Nobel Peace Prize should be co...


 πŸŽ΅πŸŽΆYou say Matsato, I say Matsato 🎢🎡🎢🎡❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️    But don't call the whole thing off!!! Today, February 13, 2025 may be the last day they offer 70% discount, so hurry!  Update πŸ’• They are still running their ad! 🌞Happy Valentine's Day ❤️  Link for this blog: Table Of Contents:   Their website:   This is why I am particularly grateful:  Dear Jennifer,  I know the great reputation that Matsato has and I am overwhelmed by this generosity 😰To tears!  Of course I will order more as gifts! I need to get these mailed as soon as possible. Two of the leather cases and one of the scissors were already stolen out of my apartment after opening it to give one of the knives to the FedEx manager - I was in a hurry and forgot to grab a leather case which I meant to give him.  . I w...